Toothpaste as a Cleaner for Oxidized Headlights
Now that the world’s manufacturers are all capable of producing headlights that are made of polycarbonate or plastic materials which does not break easily but the negative thing about them is they easily get clouded because there will be oxidation in that area through the passing of time and not anyone could avoid this from happening because this is normal even to those people who are very tidy about their car because the reasons are the chemicals from the atmosphere, debris on the road or UV lights and many more.
When cloud will form on the headlights of your vehicle then it will limit your visibility when it is already dark and that should be given attention, thus, it should be repaired. The good thing is you do not need to call a professional because you can just do this by yourself because it is straight to the point and easy.
Make sure that you wash your headlights first before you decide to repair your oxidized headlights because sometimes oxidation is not always the cause of the cloudiness that is present because grits and grimes can also cause the cloudiness in the surface of your headlights. But if the cloudiness is still there after the washing of your headlights, you can follow some of these easy methods on how to repair oxidation:
If you are going to use toothpaste to clean your oxidized headlights then you have buy the following materials: masking tape, soft cloth, car wax, any kind of toothpaste, water and gloves for the people who has sensitive skin to avoid irritation of any kind. The first thing that you need to do is clean the headlights using the soap and a clean and smooth cloth then rinse it off with water then leave it to dry fully and look at your headlights again. The purpose of the masking tape is for you cover the area around your headlights because it might get scuffed accidentally.
Again, if your skin is very sensitive then there will be a need for you to use gloves before you use the toothpaste. You have to put a dab of toothpaste on a piece of cloth and then rub the surface of the headlights following the shape of a circle in rubbing the headlights and rub the headlights up to five minutes each.
Next, you have to carefully wash the headlights with water after applying and rubbing the toothpaste. Allow it to dry with air before proceeding to the next step which is to apply car wax to the headlights that have oxidized because this is very helpful in protecting your headlights for damages that may happen in the future and you should apply this car wax using a clean piece of cloth still using circular methods and after which, you have to rinse it with plain water.
The toothpaste is very effective in cleaning oxidized headlights just as its effectiveness in cleaning an individual’s teeth because toothpaste is made of mild abrasives that will buff out the surface of anything and in the case of oxidized headlights, it will make your headlight look great and clearer at the end of the process. Or you can just hire the services of a mobile auto detailing in Las Vegas.